Why Black and White?


The question I often get is “Why do I like black and white”?

At the beginning of my photography journey, all my images were in colour. I would search the internet for tutorials and find new techniques to try. I believe it is a good thing to do as it allows to discover what you like and what you don’t.

Even though I was happy with some of the results, I felt that something was missing.

It wasn’t until I came across Michael Kenna’s work, that I knew that Black and White was for me. As soon as I saw his work, I could not breath and I knew right away this what I wanted to do.

The following week was spent reading and learning more about the artist and his vision. Through this research, I learned that my approach to photography needed to change.

The first thing I had to learn about was composition and then learning to see in Black and White. Learning to use shadows and shades of grey to tell a story. Once I became more comfortable with my images, I then started to learn about Long exposure photography.

For long exposures, it is necessary to Neutral Density filters. After quite a lengthy research I then purchased Formatt Hitech neutral density filters.

I’ve been shooting Long Exposure for about a year now and it took a lot of work to get to where I am but I am still learning.

What I love about about black and white photography is that is keeps me interested and I do not get distracted. It makes me work harder for the next image. Black and white images just work and keeps me in focus.

I love black and white photography and there is so much more for me to do.

Great weekend everyone!!!

Ropemaker Street
Ropemaker Street

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