The iPad Mini

Does anyone else feels as ripped off as I do???? Everyone knows that I am a fan of Apple but I am slightly pissed with them at the moment. I just saw the Video and Keynotes and I am not happy. Why is the question? I’ve had the iPad2 for over a year now and every knows…

Happy New Year everybody!!!!!!!!!

                                           Another fresh new year is here . . . Another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, To love and laugh and give! This bright new year is given me To live…

10 reasons why you should turn off your AUTOFOCUS

Sorry for the disappearrance, my computer decided to do its own thing so I gave a well deserve break. Have taken pictures and then realised that the result is not what you wanted or expected? This is where the Autofocus comes in. Your camera is not the human eye which means it won’t always do…

The most beautiful thing I’ve ever read – Pablo Neruda

Random passage I read and I would like to share with you guys. “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no…

ISO in photography!!!!!!!

What is ISO? ISO is an identification of how senSitive a film or digital camera sensors are sensitive to light. In modern day SLRs the setting varies but they usually start from 100 or 200. Like any other function you also have an Auto setting where the camera chooses the appropriate ISO for each picture…

Useful photography tips…….

I was trailing through a photography website that’s been a great help to me so I thought I will share my findings. What am posting is very very long and no pretty pictures to meke it bearable but useful tips I would be trying myself. Let me know how it’s going or whether it’s useful…

Taking pictures in RAW and Why it’s best!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the extremely long absence. I haven’t forgotten about the blog I promise. I kind of run out of ideas of what to write about and since I never managed to review my latest pictures I had nothing to post. Am coming with a few new topics before I develop writers block again. Let’s…

Lens Basics – How to choose the right lens for you

We all know that a lens is a very important part of the camera. It is what captures memorable moments, it what portrays your vision to the world. In order to get the right lens, you will need to know your camera. What works wit it and what doesn’t? 1 – Not every lens will…

PhotoForge 2

My friend ibtroduced me today to a new application. He had been using this App for a while and then showed me how it works. What is PhotoForge 2?it is a photo editing software for iOS. It possesses more option than any other photo editing App. It allows full resolution editing. White balance correction, It…