Embracing Curiosity

In the vast canvas of life, curiosity is the brushstroke that adds vibrancy and depth to our existence. Reflecting on my own journey, I’ve come to appreciate the profound importance of following our curiosity, both in navigating life’s twists and turns and in expressing ourselves through the medium of art. Life, much like a captivating…

Starting out…

It is truly fitting to start the year with this year. Although I am yet to give it a name, it’s an image 7 years in the making. Allow me to explain. I vividly remember capturing this image as soon as the scene was presented to me. At the same time, I had envisioned a…

Unexpected Lessons

They are many reasons why I would never claim to be a patient person. I find myself losing interest mid-conversations and very often when watching movies. This particular personality flaw has not been aided in any shape or form in this digital age. I get frustrated when my computer slows down or when my phone…

Patterns and Geometry

As as I am drawn to create more minimal sometime abstract images, I can’t but be captivated by patterns. Patterns not in the usual way. Patterns are all around us. They are an innate parts of most art mediums. Our ability to recognise patterns is a baseline skill for the human eye. It is a…

Forgotten and Rediscovered

Some images take longer to edit others. Some images come together as easily in my head as if I simply pressed the shutter of my camera. Some images come slower than the line. They are forgotten and then rediscovered. This image fits within the box of the later. It was not a bad image when…

Repeated Patterns

Although my work can be on the abstract side from time to time, I’ve found myself noticing patterns that surround me. Just like in nature, architecture also has plenty of patterns if we pay attention. More often I notice these patterns, more intrigued I am at what I see. The repeated patterns and organisation are…

Thinking beyond composition in photography

You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved. – Ansel Adams The idea of this blogpost came to my mind when I came across the above…

Getting out of my comfort zone

As an individual with a very short attention span, I try new things often in photography. I have never shared them until now. The reason why I try new is because I hate feeling complexent with my work. So when I start to feel stagnant or whenever I feel like I am going around in…

Minimal Gear For My architectural Photography

After purchasing my first DSLR, I distinctively remember being very excited and my choice. Since my aim was to learn, I purchased every magazine out there that had a “How To……………” on the cover. Inside every one of these magazines, I found a new camera or new lens review, a camera comparison and with all…

Learning to see beyond the obvious

Ever since I was a child, I’d always have a book in hand. My earliest memory of books was of my grand mother reading to me at bedtime and teaching me to read when I was about 4 years old. I still remember fondly the many folktales that read to me and as an adult,…